See previous basic tutorials for more info about basic object creation, clock handling, frames hierarchy and animations.
This tutorial shows how to use multiple viewports with multiple cameras.
Four viewports are created here.
The top left corner one (Viewport1
) and the bottom right corner one (Viewport4
shares the same camera (Camera1
To achieve this, we just need to use the same name in the config file for the camera.
Furthermore, when manipulating this camera using left & right mouse buttons to rotate it, arrow keys to move it and left control & left shift to zoom it, the two viewports associated with this camera will both be affected.
The top right viewport (Viewport2
) is based on another camera (Camera2
) which frustum is narrower than the first one, resulting in a display twice as big. You can't affect this viewport at runtime in this tutorial.
The last viewport (Viewport3
) is based on another camera (Camera3
) which has the exact same settings than the first one.
This viewport will display what you originally had in the Viewport1
& Viewport4
before modifying their camera.
You can also interact directly with the first viewport properties, using WASD keys to move it and 'Q' & 'E' to resize it.
NB: When two viewports overlap, the latest one (ie. the one created after the other) will be displayed on top.
Lastly, we have a box that doesn't move at all, and a little soldier whose world position will be determined by the current mouse on-screen position.
In other words, no matter which viewport your mouse is on, and no matter how the camera for this viewport is set,
the soldier will always have his feet at the same position than your mouse on screen (provided it's in a viewport).
Viewports and objects are created with random colors and sizes using the character '~' in config file.
NB: Cameras store their position/zoom/rotation in an orxFRAME structure, thus allowing them to be part of the orxFRAME hierarchy
as seen in the frame tutorial.
As a result, object auto-following can be achieved by setting the object as the camera's parent.
On the other hand, having a camera as parent of an object will insure that the object will always be displayed at the same place in the corresponding viewport 1).
As usual, we begin by getting the main clock and registering our Update
function to it and, lastly, by creating our main object.
Please refer to the previous tutorials for more details.
However we create four viewports this time. Nothing really new, so we only need to write this code.
pstViewport = orxViewport_CreateFromConfig("Viewport1"); orxViewport_CreateFromConfig("Viewport2"); orxViewport_CreateFromConfig("Viewport3"); orxViewport_CreateFromConfig("Viewport4");
As you can see we only keep a reference to one created viewport. We do so as we want to interact with it later on, but we won't touch the three other ones.
Let's jump directly to our Update
First we snap our soldier guy under the mouse position. We've already seen such a thing in the frame tutorial.
Here we do the exact same thing and we see that it works perfectly with multiple viewports.
When the mouse is not over a viewport, orxNULL
is returned instead of a pointer to the world coordinate values.
orxVECTOR vPos; if(orxRender_GetWorldPosition(orxMouse_GetPosition(&vPos), &vPos) != orxNULL) { orxVECTOR vSoldierPos; orxObject_GetWorldPosition(pstSoldier, &vSoldierPos); vPos.fZ = vSoldierPos.fZ; orxObject_SetPosition(pstSoldier, &vPos); }
Before interacting directly with a viewport, let's play a bit with its associated camera.
We could, for example, move it, rotate it or zoom.
Let's begin by getting our first viewport camera.
pstCamera = orxViewport_GetCamera(pstViewport);
Ok, that was easy. Let's try to rotate it 2).
if(orxInput_IsActive("CameraRotateLeft")) { orxCamera_SetRotation(pstCamera, orxCamera_GetRotation(pstCamera) + orx2F(-4.0f) * _pstClockInfo->fDT); }
Again, we see that our rotation won't be affected by the FPS and can be time-stretched as we use the clock's DT.
We could still have used the config system to get the rotation speed instead of hardcoding it!
Let's zoom, now.
if(orxInput_IsActive("CameraZoomIn")) { orxCamera_SetZoom(pstCamera, orxCamera_GetZoom(pstCamera) * orx2F(1.02f)); }
As this code doesn't use any clock info, it'll get affected by the clock's frequency and by the framerate.
Lastly, let's move our camera.
orxCamera_GetPosition(pstCamera, &vPos); if(orxInput_IsActive("CameraRight")) { vPos.fX += orx2F(500) * _pstClockInfo->fDT; } orxCamera_SetPosition(pstCamera, &vPos);
We're now done playing with the camera.
As we'll see a bit later in this tutorial, this same camera is linked to two different viewports.
They'll thus both be affected when we play with it.
As for viewport direct interactions, we can alter it's size of position, for example.
We can do it like this, for example.
orxFLOAT fWidth, fHeight, fX, fY; orxViewport_GetRelativeSize(pstViewport, &fWidth, &fHeight); if(orxInput_IsActive("ViewportScaleUp")) { fWidth *= orx2F(1.02f); fHeight*= orx2F(1.02f); } orxViewport_SetRelativeSize(pstViewport, fWidth, fHeight); orxViewport_GetPosition(pstViewport, &fX, &fY); if(orxInput_IsActive("ViewportRight")) { fX += orx2F(500) * _pstClockInfo->fDT; } orxViewport_SetPosition(pstViewport, fX, fY);
Nothing really surprising as you can see.
Let's now have a look to the data side of our viewports.
[Viewport1] Camera = Camera1 Size = (0.5, 0.5, 0.0) UseRelativeSize = true Position = top left BackgroundColor = (0, 100, 0) ~ (0, 255, 0) [Viewport2] Camera = Camera2 Size = @Viewport1 UseRelativeSize = true Position = top right BackgroundColor = (100, 0, 0) ~ (255, 0, 0) [Viewport3] Camera = Camera3 Size = @Viewport1 UseRelativeSize = true Position = bottom left BackgroundColor = (0, 0, 100) ~ (0, 0, 255) [Viewport4] Camera = @Viewport1 Size = @Viewport1 UseRelativeSize = true Position = bottom right BackgroundColor = (255, 255, 0)#(0, 255, 255)#(255, 0, 255)
As we can see, nothing really surprising here either.
We have three cameras for 4 viewports as we're using Camera1
for both Viewport1
and Viewport4
We can also notice that all our viewports begins with a relative size of (0.5, 0.5, 0.0)
This means each viewport will use half the display size vertically and horizontally (the Z coordinate is ignored).
In other words, each viewport covers exactly a quart of our display, whichever sizes we have chosen for it, fullscreen or not.
As you may have noticed, we only gave an explicit value for the Size
for our Viewport1
All the other viewports inherits from the Viewport1
as we wrote @Viewport1
That means that this value will be the same than the one from Viewport1
with the same key (Size
We did it exactly the same way for Viewport4
's Camera
by using @Viewport1
We then need to place them on screen to prevent them to be all displayed on top of each other.
To do so, we use the property Position
that can take either a literal value 3) or a vector in the same way we did for its Size
Lastly, the first three viewports use different shades for their BackgroundColor
For example,
BackgroundColor = (200, 0, 0) ~ (255, 0, 0)
means the this viewport will use a random 4) shade of red.
If we want to color more presicely the BackgroundColor
but still keep a random, we can use a list as in
BackgroundColor = (255, 255, 0)#(0, 255, 255)#(255, 0, 255)
This gives three possibilities for our random color: yellow, cyan and magenta.
Finally, let's have a look to our cameras.
[Camera1] FrustumWidth = @Display.ScreenWidth FrustumHeight = @Display.ScreenHeight FrustumFar = 1.0 FrustumNear = 0.0 Position = (0.0, 0.0, -1.0) [Camera2] FrustumWidth = 400.0 FrustumHeight = 300.0 FrustumFar = 1.0 FrustumNear = 0.0 Position = (0.0, 0.0, -1.0) [Camera3@Camera1]
We basically define their frustum (ie. the part of world space that will be seen by the camera and rendered on the viewport).
NB: As we're using 2D
cameras, the frustum shape is rectangular cuboid.
Note that the Camera3
inherits from Camera1
but don't override any property: they have the exact same property.
NB: When inheritance is used for a whole section, it's written this way: [MySection@ParentSection].
Why using two different cameras then? Only so as to have two physical entities: when we alter properties of Camera1
in our code, the Camera3
will remain unchanged.
We can also notice that Camera1
's FrustumWidth
and FrustumHeight
inherits from the Display
's screen settings.
NB: When inheritance is used for a value, it's written like this MyKey = @ParentSection.ParentKey
The parent's key can be omitted if it's the same as our key: SameKey = @ParentSection
Lastly we notice that our Camera2
has a smaller frustum.
This means Camera2
will see a smaller portion of the world space. Therefore the corresponding viewport display will look like it's zoomed!
Source code: 05_Viewport.c
Config file: 05_Viewport.ini