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Sound Recording


Right now you need the sound recording branch of orx in order to actually be able to record sound. However this is subject too change in the next couple of weeks. You can find the branch in the project's SVN repository: Furthermore sound capturing is only implemented in the OpenAL sound plugin right now. We will now present some basic recipes for common tasks and then cover the advanced settings and the whole API later.

Capturing audio data to a file

So let's say all you want to do is to capture some audio data from the default input device into a file. This is fairly easy and can be done like this:

  record_info.u32ChannelNumber = 1;                  //number of channels, either 1 or 2
  record_info.u32SampleRate = 44100;                 //leave the sample rate like this unless you know what you're doing
  record_info.bCustomPollingFrequency = orxFALSE;    //this feature will be covered later
  record_info.bFixedBlockSize = orxFALSE;            //this feature will be covered later
  //now let's start recording:
  orxSoundSystem_StartRecordingToFile("sound.wav","guitar_capture", &record_info);
Now a file sound.wav will be created and recorded to. The format is always WAV. Once you think you have captured enough data you can stop recording like this:
warning: orxSoundSystem_StopRecordingToFile will stop capturing to that file, but will not stop the actual sound capturing!

Processing audio data

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean mattis dignissim eros in bibendum. Cras non libero urna. Nullam lorem nisi, vulputate nec iaculis ac, adipiscing sit amet velit. Aenean metus quam, tristique vitae eleifend at, hendrerit ut eros. Fusce metus felis, fermentum sed vestibulum nec, tempus id elit. Nullam feugiat varius magna, quis laoreet mi blandit vel. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc vel urna orci. Nullam libero diam, bibendum malesuada scelerisque quis, egestas at lectus. In metus libero, ultrices nec malesuada egestas, ultrices cursus lacus. Aliquam pellentesque pulvinar venenatis. Pellentesque malesuada pretium sodales. Etiam sed tortor a odio malesuada ornare.

Doing both: Capturing to a file and processing the audio data

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean mattis dignissim eros in bibendum. Cras non libero urna. Nullam lorem nisi, vulputate nec iaculis ac, adipiscing sit amet velit. Aenean metus quam, tristique vitae eleifend at, hendrerit ut eros. Fusce metus felis, fermentum sed vestibulum nec, tempus id elit. Nullam feugiat varius magna, quis laoreet mi blandit vel. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc vel urna orci. Nullam libero diam, bibendum malesuada scelerisque quis, egestas at lectus. In metus libero, ultrices nec malesuada egestas, ultrices cursus lacus. Aliquam pellentesque pulvinar venenatis. Pellentesque malesuada pretium sodales. Etiam sed tortor a odio malesuada ornare.

Advanced settings explained

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean mattis dignissim eros in bibendum. Cras non libero urna. Nullam lorem nisi, vulputate nec iaculis ac, adipiscing sit amet velit. Aenean metus quam, tristique vitae eleifend at, hendrerit ut eros. Fusce metus felis, fermentum sed vestibulum nec, tempus id elit. Nullam feugiat varius magna, quis laoreet mi blandit vel. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc vel urna orci. Nullam libero diam, bibendum malesuada scelerisque quis, egestas at lectus. In metus libero, ultrices nec malesuada egestas, ultrices cursus lacus. Aliquam pellentesque pulvinar venenatis. Pellentesque malesuada pretium sodales. Etiam sed tortor a odio malesuada ornare.


Here is an overview of the API, until the doxygen documentation is uploaded:

/** Sound system record info
typedef struct __orxSOUNDSYSTEM_RECORD_INFO_t
  orxU32                      u32SampleRate;           /**< The sample rate, e.g. 44100 Hertz */
  orxU32                      u32ChannelNumber;        /**< Number of channels. either mono(1) or stereo (2) */
  orxBOOL                     bCustomPollingFrequency; /**< Do you need a specific polling freq? (Usually you don't!) */
  orxFLOAT                    dPollingFrequency;       /**< The frequency at which the audio capturing device is polled. HighFreq = low latency. Be careful when also using a fixed block size. */
  orxBOOL                     bFixedBlockSize;         /**< Shall the audio data be fetched from the device in blocks of a fixed size? Only use it when you really need it! */
  orxU32                      u32BlockSize;            /**< Fixed number of samples that will be fetched at each poll. */
/** Starts recording
 * @param[in]   _zName                                Name for the recorded sound
 * @param[in]   _pstInfo                              Recording information
orxSTATUS orxSoundSystem_StartRecording(const orxCHAR *_zName, const orxSOUNDSYSTEM_RECORD_INFO *_pstInfo);
/** Stops recording
orxSTATUS orxSoundSystem_StopRecording();
/** Is recording possbile on the current system?
orxBOOL orxSoundSystem_RecordingAvailable();
/** Starts recording to a file. orxSoundSystem_StartRecording might have been called before, but it's not mandatory.
 * @param[in]   _zFileName                            Name of the resulting audio file.
 * @param[in]   _zName                                Name for the recorded sound
 * @param[in]   _pstInfo                              Recording information
orxSTATUS orxSoundSystem_StartRecordingToFile(const orxCHAR *_zFileName, const orxCHAR *_zName, const orxSOUNDSYSTEM_RECORD_INFO *_pstInfo);
/** Stops recording to a file. Does not stop the actual capturing! If you want to stop all capturing use orxSoundSystem_StopRecording instead.
orxSTATUS orxSoundSystem_StopRecordingToFile();

en/tutorials/audio/sound-recording.1291718455.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/30 00:50 (7 years ago) (external edit)