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orxVIEWPORT structure


BackgroundColor  = <vector>
BackgroundAlpha  = <float>
Camera           = CameraTemplate;
RelativePosition =  left | right | top | bottom
Position         = <vector>
RelativeSize     = <vector>
Size             = <vector>
ShaderList       = ShaderTemplate1#ShaderTemplate2
TextureList      = path/to/TextureFile # ... #path/to/TextureFileN


Here's a list of the available properties for an orxVIEWPORT structure:

  • BackgroundColor: Defines which color will be used for clearing the viewport before rendering it. If not set, the viewport won't erase any part of other viewports previously rendered this frame if there are overlaps.
  • BackgroundAlpha: If BackgroundColor is set, this value will be used as alpha; Defaults to 1.0;
  • Camera: Template name of the camera that will be linked to this viewport. Each camera template will correspond to a unique camera at runtime. This means that if you use more than one viewport linked to the same camera, they will render the same content as seen by this camera.
  • RelativePosition: Defines where the viewport will be placed in the main display. It should be a combination of two attributes. Ex.: top left to have your viewport in the top left corner. Its default value is top left.
  • Position: Defines an absolute position for the viewport in the main display, in pixel coordinates. This value is only used if none is provided for RelativePosition.
  • RelativeSize: Defines the viewport size relatively to the main display's one, ie. (1, 1, 0) means that it will cover the full display. Its default value is (1, 1, 0) 1).
  • Size: Defines the absolute viewport size, in pixels. This value is only used if none is provided for RelativeSize.
  • TextureList: Defines a destination texture or list of textures where the viewport will be rendered. Its default value is the main display (ie. screen).
  • ShaderList: Defines a list of shaders that will be executed every time this viewport is rendered. Up to 4 shaders can be specified. By default, no shader is used.

Latest config settings for the Development Version

We endeavor to keep the config properties on this page up to date as often as possible. For up to the minute config information for the latest version of Orx, check the most recent published at:

CreationTemplate.ini and


Additionally these files can be found under your orx source tree in the orx/code/bin folder.

the Z component is ignored
en/orx/config/settings_structure/orxviewport.1496119845.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/30 00:50 (7 years ago) (external edit)