Table of Contents

Code::Blocks for Windows

If you would like to use Code::Blocks instead of Visual Studio, there's a few things required in order to use for developing Orx projects.

These are:

  1. Code::Blocks 16.01 minimum is required
  2. You need to use a specific version and type of MinGW.

Getting Code::Blocks

Code::Blocks can be downloaded from:

The version required is codeblocks-16.01-setup.exe which doesn't come with a compiler.

Run the installation and choose the default options. Then run Code::Blocks.

When running Code::Blocks for the first time, a dialog box will appear with a list of auto-detected compilers on your system. If you already have a non-TDM version of mingw greater or equal to version 5.3.0, then select that and you are good to go. If not, OK the dialog box and continue reading.

Which is the the right MinGW?

Code::Blocks needs a compiler. It doesn't ship with one in the setup version. But you will need to pick the right MinGW. There are a few variations around:

  1. MinGW - this is the original vanilla project.
  2. Mingw-w64 - this is a separate project that provides both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of MinGW.
  3. TDM-GCC - this is a variation of the original MinGW project and is traditionally packaged with older Codelite and Code::Blocks IDEs

Orx no longer supports the TDM versions or vanilla versions of MinGW.

MinGW-w64 is the correct one to use for Orx.

At the time of writing, 8.1.0 is the version to use. But to check on the current version requirements, visit the Orx supported platforms here.

Getting MinGW

Start by downloading the MinGW-w64 installer at:

Run the installer and go through the steps. These are outlined on this page:

Follow the steps titled Getting MinGW-w64 and Updating the PATH environment variable.

Telling Code::Blocks about the new Compiler

  1. In Code::Blocks , go to Settings / Compiler.
  2. Locate the “Selected compiler” dropdown.
  3. The MinGW compiler you installed will become listed. If not, restart Code::Blocks.
  4. Select the compiler from the dropdown.
  5. Ok to close the dialog.
  6. Open your project, or Orx project. You can build your Workspace.

You're all good to go.