Table of Contents

Dynamic FX Values

When you need to change the values in the FX. Any further objects created using the FX will use the new values.


if (orxConfig_PushSection("GrowFXSlot")){
	orxConfig_SetFloat("EndValue", someNewScaleVectorValue.fX);					


SlotList        = GrowFXSlot
Loop            = false
DoNotCache 	= true ;<----- this is the important setting. Allows the values of the FX to change
Type            = scale
Curve           = linear
StartTime       = 0.0
EndTime         = 1.0
StartValue      = 0.1
EndValue        = 1.0 ; <----- value when app starts. But our code will alter this. 
Absolute        = true
FXList          = GrowFX