===== orxCAMERA structure ===== Camera are structures used to render graphic objects (2D/3D). They thus can be referenced by other structures. ==== Summary ==== [CameraTemplate] GroupList = Group1 # ... # GroupN GroupValue = sort # raw Zoom = Position = Rotation = FrustumNear = FrustumFar = FrustumWidth = FrustumHeight = ParentCamera = CameraTemplate IgnoreFromParent = none | all | rotation | scale<.xyz> ==== Details ==== Here's a list of the available properties for an ''orxCAMERA'' structure: * ''FrustumNear/FrustumFar'': Defines the near and far planes for the [[wp>Viewing_frustum|camera frustum]]. The near plane is excluded whereas the far plane is included when doing render culling. * ''FrustumHeight/FrustumWidth'': As orx's cameras are 2D ones, their frustum are [[wp>Cuboid|rectangle cuboids]] instead of real [[wp>Frustum|frustums]]. If you want to achieve a 1:1 aspect ratio with your main display window, you can use the ''Display.ScreenHeight'' and ''Display.ScreenWidth'' values. * ''ParentCamera'': If defined, this will set this camera as a child of the specified camera, in the same way it's done for orxOBJECTs that have a ParentCamera property. * ''Position'': Camera's initial position. * ''Rotation'': Camera's initial rotation (along its Z-axis). * ''Zoom'': Camera's initial zoom. * ''GroupList'': Groups (of objects) will be rendered in the order of declaration. Up to 16 groups can be associated to a camera. Defaults to "default" group. ((Good discussions on GroupList rendering orders can be found at http://orx-project.org/forum?func=view&catid=16&id=7254#7279 and http://orx-project.org/forum?func=view&catid=12&id=7344)) ((All orxObjects belong to this "default" group unless otherwise specified. You can specify an [[en:orx:config:settings_structure:orxobject|object be part of a particular group]]. If your camera has a list of groups, and your object is not in any of those groups, your object will not render.)) * ''GroupValue'': If a group is set to "raw", objects assigned to it will not be sorted before rendering, which allows for rendering very large amounts of objects at high performance *when* sorting isn't required. Defaults to "sort". ==== Latest config settings for the Development Version ==== {{section>en:orx:config:developmentversion#&noheader&nofooter&noeditbutton}}